Shift pricing into high gear

Operating a high-volume business on very tight margins is tricky. Gone are the days when planning your pricing and promotions was more predictable and rhythmic, and you could depend on foot traffic to increase sales and improve margins. As commerce continues to move at record speed in an environment that’s continually bombarded with new pricing challenges, your ability to quickly identify and adapt to changing conditions can greatly affect your revenue potential and profitability.

While ecommerce was already growing in recent years, the pandemic shifted this trajectory into high gear, accelerating the need to address revenue management and pricing challenges.

The knock-on effect continues at every turn as supply chain constraints disrupt product availability, cost increases affect consumer demand, labor shortages lower productivity and growing competition erodes margins and customer loyalty. These factors are adding complexity to pricing strategies in unprecedented ways. Fewer trade promotions and limited stock impede long-established opportunities to optimize price and improve margins.

To combat these challenges, technology investments are rapidly replacing outdated systems to price more intelligently and provide the transparency, flexibility and pricing power needed to compete in an ever-changing world.

How to navigate AI-driven pricing when precision is critical Group 2289.png

Price Optimization 

The price point that maximizes expected outcomes or metrics (i.e., price, growth, margin, demand, market share, behavior, etc.)

Pricing Pressures

•    Supply chain constraints
•    Out-of-stock inventory
•    Greater online competition
•    Consumer demands and disloyalty
•    Mounting costs and inflation


Retail changes
are on the move

chain delays

Labor concerns &
mounting costs

Merging fulfillment


The road to
relevance in retail

the corner

Add data
and analytics

The customer journey
is the destination


Ramping up for the
digital superhighway

Finding customers
in many new places

Going beyond marketing
for the masses

Fixing clunky
phygital experiences

Competing in
the virtual arena


Shift pricing
into high gear

Gaining control
of pricing

Gaining steam
in retail

Navigating the
highs and lows

Dodging economic